Jim Ling

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The Impact of 3-A Authorization on Your Bottom Line

Posted by Jim Ling on 01/14/2021 6:15 PM

Pristine and safe equipment is essential when choosing industrial processing equipment for the food industry or other industries where consumer safety is a top concern. When humans or animals are going to consume the final product, you want to make sure that the processing machines are not subject to contamination of any type. For that reason, it’s important to look for the proper certifications.

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Topics: Sanitary Applications, Sanitary Equipment

Cannabis Processing and the Value of Industrial Sifters

Posted by Jim Ling on 09/9/2020 2:15 PM


The cannabis processing industry has been quiet about processing methods for years. Until recently, manufacturers selling equipment for cannabis processing didn't have a clear understanding of the purpose of their machinery within the industry. Recent legal changes have eased the secrecy around both medicinal and recreational access to THC-containing products.

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Topics: Industrial Screeners & Industrial Sifters, Circular Vibratory Screeners, Cannabis & Hemp, Centrifugal Sifters

Centrifugal Sifter Helps Distillery Maximize Spent Grain

Posted by Jim Ling on 07/20/2020 6:00 PM

8 Feathers Distillery explains how Kason Corporation treats their waste stream to eliminate sewage surcharges, decrease solid waste disposal fees, and provides a “free” food source for local livestock to nearby farmers in an article published across the globe in Filtration + Separation, Industrial Water World, Brewer & Distiller International, and other publications. 

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Topics: Centrifugal Sifters, Distillery & Brewery, Case Histories